What is Arizona’s GOP doing to recover from defeat? Attacking Cindy McCain.

January 11, 2021 ☼ gopstupid

Source: The Washington Post - Link

The party just rolled out a “censure resolution” against Cindy McCain. Childish and bizarre, it attacks the wife of Arizona’s beloved late (Republican) senator for having “a past riddled with drug abuse.” (She admitted three decades ago to a previous pain-medication addiction.)

It admonishes her for supporting “leftist causes such as gay marriage.” It scolds her for endorsing Biden, “in direct opposition to … the Constitution.” It upbraids her for objecting to Trump’s “criticism of her husband” — and then it repeats such slander, saying the late senator, a war hero and POW, committed “serious wrongdoing during his military service.”

They’re never going to be able to be a majority behaving like this. Grow up.