Republicans’ Overthrow of Cheney Creates New Problems for Party

May 12, 2021 ☼ cheneygop

Source: The New York Times - Link

By excommunicating Ms. Cheney from her position, however, Republican lawmakers have created a host of new problems for their party.

They have underscored the grip that the increasingly unpopular Mr. Trump retains on their ranks; demoralized Republicans and independents who want to move on from his tenure; and, perhaps most significantly, emboldened a household-name conservative to take her case against Trumpism far beyond a Capitol conference room.

House Republicans knew what they had done as soon as they emerged from their meeting.

“That’s what it looks like when somebody is running for president,” Representative Mike Rogers of Alabama muttered to colleagues as they quickly walked past Ms. Cheney during her remarks in front of the cameras.

Cheney and her allies represents the needed “loyal opposition”. The others are liars.