Opinion | Americans showed Trump compassion. He repaid us with contempt.

October 5, 2020 ☼ trumppandemicshit

Source: The Washington Post - Link

A more selfish man has never occupied his high office. He received a cutting-edge treatment, monoclonal antibodies, unavailable to virtually all other Americans. He received an antiviral, remdesivir, that is rationed for ordinary Americans. He required oxygen and steroids.

Above all, we’ve seen Trump’s arrogant disregard for others. He and his lieutenants jeopardized the health of Democratic nominee Joe Biden and others at the debate when Trump’s family and aides broke the rules and took off their masks. He put supporters in Minnesota and donors in New Jersey at risk when he knew, or had reason to suspect, that he and those around him had been exposed.

The recklessness in the White House (McEnany, when she was supposed to quarantine, instead briefed reporters without wearing a mask) has spread the virus to journalists and members of the White House housekeeping staff (who’ve reportedly been told to keep quiet).